Friday, April 06, 2012

Leatherface - Minx (1993)

Roughneck Recording Company ‎– NECK CD 11

I'm fairly sure this CD appeared in my collection after an awkward split with an old girlfriend about 15 years ago and I never got around to returning it.
We are actually mates via social media nowadays so there is every chance that at some point she may read this. You know who you are - if you want it back, let me know.

I never really liked Leatherface that much anyway so I don't mind if it goes. Sorry. The association with Snuff led me to listening to them and I think I gave them a good shot.
That said, they do have a few killer songs - and given the right mood, Frankie Stubbs voice is amazing.

Don't skip: Wallflower, Pale Moonlight

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