Bifocal Media BFM028
I picked this up at ATP around the end of 2009 in Minehead. Sonic Youth had played a disappointing set, Witch had killed it as had everyone else.
It came as a cover mount on Brian Walsby's Manchild #4. I grabbed this and Harvey Milk's Anthem DVD. The guy selling them to me seemed pretty stoked on my knowing of Harvey Milk and clearly was a big fan of the Melvins. I mentioned that Brian Walsby had recently done some artwork for Volcom which I was pretty stoked on as I have a huge print of his in my office at work. Cool guy...we talked for a few minutes, I said my thanks and left.
Flicking through the mag (Which is hilarious, by the way) I quickly realised due to Brian's character drawings of himself in the mag that this was exactly who I had been talking too.
Could have been worse, I suppose. At least I was into his artwork.
The CD itself is a rad mix of two live shows. One collection of shorter songs from '88 and one more expansive set from '08.
A slick mix of two kind of different eras which work well as one listen.
Don't Skip: Koolegged, Nude With Boots, Eye Flys.
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