Monday, June 11, 2012

Sonic Youth - Sister (1987)

Blast First! BFFP20

This was the second Sonic Youth album I bought after Dirty. I'm not too sure why I got this on vinyl to be honest - I think it just came down to price. If it was a quid cheaper, I would have gone that way back then.

What I didn't know about this album was that several songs were used on the Santa Cruz video Streets on Fire, which I'd watched over and over along with Powell Peralta's 'Attack' and H-Street's 'Not The New H-Street Video' at my mates.
I'd had VHS to C60 dubs of that video so I could listen to it on my walkman and at first it was odd hearing Catholic Block or White Kross without the skate noises over the top. I still rerun quotes in my head from certain videos throughout songs as I knew them first that way. Claus wins the day!

To tie the skate trivia in even more - it was Geoff Rowley who recently pointed out that I had the version of this release with the original cover. Disney threatened SST and Sonic Youth with a lawsuit if their photo of the Magic Kingdom wasn't deleted from all releases.

There you go - an entire note on an amazing LP which purely talks about skating. I get the feeling a lot of this blog may go this way.

Don't skip: Schizophrenia, (I Got A) Catholic Block, Pipeline/Kill Time, White Kross