Friday, May 11, 2012

Dead Kennedys - Bedtime for Democracy (1986)

Alternative Tentacles VIRUS50 UK Release

The DK's last proper album. I had this on CD originally. I will get that up on here at some point, I guess. I should as it was my entry point into the Dead Kennedy's.

The main reason I picked this up was for the artwork. The cover is amazing and you just couldn't get into the detail on the CD. The vinyl also has a mock newspaper included but I blew it here as this second hand version doesn't seem to have that included. Whether this is some later pressing which doesn't include that, I don't know.

Bedtime for Democracy is a step back to a time before Frankenchrist. Five minute plus jams are out. Aside from two or three songs everything on here is roughly two minutes or less in length.
The pace is frantic throughout and probably deserves a little more attention that previous releases which I reckon you can enjoy without giving over your full focus...Honestly. You can listen to Police Truck or California Über Alles and probably learn all the lyrics within a couple of listens whilst also doing the cooking or playing video games. 
Bedtime for Democracy really works in a far better way if you take the time to sit down and listen on your own. Give it a shot.

Don't Skip: Dear Abby, Cesspools in Eden, Gone With My Wind, Anarchy For Sale

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Butthole Surfers - Piouhgd (1991)

Rough Trade R260-1

This is the Rough Trade original release. I was always surprised that the London-based store had a record label. I just knew it as the place beneath Slam City Skates with all of the signatures on the ceiling and a healthy dose of punk rock records.

This was the second release from the Butthole's that I owned after the Hurdy Gurdy Man CD single...and it's kind of surprising that I continued buying releases from these guys after this. Hurdy Gurdy Man is a straight Donovan cover which I loved - so I was after more of the same; but this was all a bit too out there. Or lazy. I guess that depends on your viewpoint.
Hurdy Gurdy Man is by far the best track here. Blindman and Something aren't bad and Lonesome Bulldog (Which is clearly a piss-take) is cool in it's own odd way but I'm not too sure of the need for it to be on here four times, despite clearly getting more twisted with each play. It's just a gag which doesn't work too well. 

Piouhgd is just not a record I went back to often. I sort of wish I liked it more, but the Butthole Surfers definitely have far better releases out there.

Don't skip: Hurdy Gurdy Man